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Set up
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- How do I get the manual?Please click here to download the manual.
- How do I attach the tower to the AquaCure?This depends on whether you have the newer model or older model. No matter which model you have, you must first wrap Teflon tape around the top of the metal threads on your machine 15 times to ensure a good seal.
1) Newer model – The newer model has a separate plastic piece that screws onto the metal threads. After taping the metal threads, screw the plastic tower connector to the metal threads until they’re finger tight. From there, place the black o-ring onto the connector so that it nests between the tower connector and the main tower piece. To secure the tower, turn the sleeve at the base of the tower to screw it into the tower connector.
2) Older model – This tower originally had no connector and instead screwed directly onto the metal threads. After taping the metal threads, screw the tower on until it’s finger tight. - Do I have to use distilled water?Yes. Any water that goes into the AquaCure must be distilled water (less than 0.5 ppm). This means that any water that goes into the electrolyser and the humidifier must be distilled.
- Do I have to use distilled water in my drinking water bubbler?No. Hydrogen has the effect of making mineral flavours more pronounced. You can use any water you want in the drinking water bubbler, just be aware that it may taste less pleasant than usual.
- I don’t feel any gas coming out of the cannula.That’s normal. The gas coming out of the cannula is only a bit above atmospheric pressure. It’s very difficult to feel the gas flow. You can test for gas flow by dipping the nasal piece of the cannula into water and watching for bubbles to come out.
- My overfill light is on.Try placing a book under the front of your AquaCure and turning on the gas production. If the overfill warning turns off and the gas production starts, you can leave the book under the front of your machine for a day or two. If the overfill light is still on, you’ll need to remove the tower and pour out a small amount of the lye solution.
To avoid overfilling in the future, please read below.
Bubbles can become stuck in the tubing inside the AquaCure, including the viewing tube. This can cause false water level readings and lead to overfilling. Try tipping the machine forward 45º and watching the viewing tube to ensure the solution inside has pushed all the way through. Then tip the machine backwards 45º until the viewing tube is drained. Repeating this a couple of times will purge any bubbles from the lines.
Because the tubes are quite narrow, it does take a few seconds for the water level to rise after adding water to the AquaCure. Tipping the machine forward will help push the water into the viewing tube more quickly. - My refill light is on.The AquaCure functions most efficiently when above 75% full (the refill line). The refill light is a reminder that it’s ready to be topped up with 4 syringes of water from the humidifier bottle.
The AquaCure will still function when below the refill line, but it will draw more electricity. - There are crystals in the viewing tube or the float ball is stuck.Over time, lye crystals naturally form in the solution. When the lye crystal growth reaches a certain point, it restricts the flow of water and air through the tubes. This will make it very difficult to dissolve the crystals. Rinsing your AquaCure before the crystallization becomes too bad will make for an easier cleaning experience and will prevent issues that occur with heavy crystallization from happening.
- How often should I rinse my AquaCure?We recommend rinsing your AquaCure every 100 hours, or every 2 months — whichever comes first. This will prevent the crystal growth from becoming an issue.
- Why has my lye solution changed colour?The lye solution will naturally discolour over time. It’s normal for it to turn yellow or a bit green. George (the inventor) says this happens as the lye becomes ‘conditioned.’
- How often do I need to replace the lye?Unless it becomes contaminated, the lye solution never needs to be replaced. One way contamination can occur is if the solution comes into contact with oils or fats, such as from your hands or a dirty glass container.
- How do I know if my lye solution has become contaminated, and how do I fix it?The easiest way to tell is if you see foaming in your cooling tower. You may also see bits of the electrolyser byproduct stuck to the inside of the cooling tower after the foam has dissipated. The foam can reach the tube leading out of the tower and travel into the humidifier. From there, it can cause overflow into the drinking water bubbler.
If you see signs of contamination, drain and discard your lye solution and the water from the humidifier and drinking water bubbler. Rinse your AquaCure, tower, tubes, and bottles and start with a fresh batch of lye solution. - There is lye under my tower.This is due to a bad seal between the tower and the metal threads on the AquaCure. This would either be caused by incorrectly taping the metal threads or forgetting to place the black o-ring between the tower connector and the tower.
To create a good seal, 15 layers/wraps of Teflon tape must be wrapped around the top of the metal threads before screwing anything onto them. Any time those threads are exposed by removing the old tower model tower or the new tower connector, the tape will need to be reapplied. - How do I know if I have a gas leak?Depending on the severity of the leak, you may still see bubbling in both the humidifier and drinking water bubbler. To diagnose if you have a leak, set the duty percentage to 5% production. If you have good seals between all of your parts, you should still be getting bubbles, albeit slowly, in your drinking water bubbler.
Using AquaCure
- Why is my solution so murky?Every Brown’s Gas machine will produce this byproduct. The amount of murkiness varies between machines, sometimes with little flakes or sometimes a finer sediment. When rinsing your machine, you just have to pour the solution into a glass container and allow time for the byproduct to settle to the bottom, at which point the clarified solution can be poured off and used again.
- How long should I inhale the gas?Ideally, as long as possible. The longer you inhale, the more time the gas has to work in your body.
When inhaling at your recommended duty percentage, it will take roughly 20 minutes for your body to become saturated with hydrogen, at which point your body cannot contain more hydrogen. At this point, if you continue inhaling, you’ll keep your body saturated with as much hydrogen as it can hold. After you stop inhaling, it will take another 20 minutes for the hydrogen to dissipate from your body.
Some people can experience discomfort when they start inhaling. If this occurs, reduce the amount of time you inhale the gas to the point where you don’t feel that discomfort. Over time, you can gradually increase the length of your sessions. Once you can do a 20-minute session, you should be ok to increase your times as much as you want. - Is inhaling better than drinking the water?If strictly looking at hydrogen consumption, inhalation will always be more effective. If drinking water is fully saturated with hydrogen (1.7ppm), 1 litre of that water provides the same amount of hydrogen delivered from 2 seconds of inhalation.
However, the effect Brown’s Gas has on the electric charge of the water is also important. Brown’s Gas will take water with a positive charge and change it to a negative charge. Essentially, by drinking bubbled water, you’re replacing an oxidizing agent with a reducing agent, or a litre of free-radicals with a litre of antioxidants. - I’m not getting any bubbles in:1) Both the humidifier and the drinking water bubbler.
The most likely reason is a bad seal between the tower and the AquaCure. If gas escapes from the tower, it won’t travel down the tube and into the humidifier. Retaping the metal threads, and ensuring the black o-ring in place between the tower connector and the tower (if you have the new model tower), will normally solve the issue.
2) Just the drinking water bubbler.
This occurs when there is a gas leak between the humidifier and drinking water bubbler. The lid on the humidifier is very easy to cross thread when screwing it on. Try removing the lid and screwing it back on, paying special attention that the lid screws on level.
If this doesn't work, please check that your hoses are tight and that the humidifier lid is not cracked. - Does Brown’s Gas have an odour?Brown’s Gas is odourless.
- Which duty percentage should I be using for gas production:1) When inhaling?
Any time Brown’s Gas is inside your body, you want to make sure the concentration within your lungs never reaches or exceeds 4.7%, at which point it becomes explosive.
In the manual, there’s a chart which will help you determine at which duty percentage to run the AquaCure. That percentage is based on your body weight — 20% of your weight — to ensure that the concentration of gas in your lungs remains at 2%. This is enough to saturate your body with hydrogen within 20 minutes while keeping you safe.
2) For external applications?
For strictly external use (i.e., bubbling water without inhaling at the same time, using the spot applicator, etc.), you can set the duty percentage to 100%. - Can 2 people inhale Brown’s Gas at the same time?Yes. We provide a T-connector. Attach one of the small, spare hoses we provide to the drinking water bubbler outlet, and then split your cannulas from that hose.
We recommend keeping the duty percentage set to the lower of the 2 people’s weight-recommended duty percentages when inhaling in tandem. - Can I use the spot applicator while I inhale?This is not recommended, as the duty percentage at which you inhale the gas will be far below the duty percentage used for external applications. That is why we do not recommend inhaling while using external applications. The only exception is bubbling your water while you inhale at your recommended duty percentage.
- Can I use Brown’s Gas in my ear canal?No, this is very much NOT recommended. If you direct the gas flow into your ear canal, the concentration of Brown’s Gas inside the canal will very quickly approach 100%. This is dangerous, as any static can cause the gas to explode inside your ear.
- Do you ship to Canada & the USA?Yes, we only ship to Canada & the USA.